Comprehensive Analytics, Inc.

Comprehensive Analytics was established in March of 2005 as a result of the insurance industry’s reluctance to properly educate advisors with regard to insurance products, their style functionality, and the process needed to provide unbiased, fully disclosed information so that the consumer can make the best informed choice.

Consumers continue to search for advisors who can provide unbiased counsel in a fee-engagement venue that is free of conflict. Yet, only a few firms are providing such services. The unwillingness of the financial services industry to properly identify the variety of client assets and their related risk issues creates much of the confusion in trying to adopt an overall fiduciary standard.

Our mission is to fill this gaping “black hole” and to serve a need in the evolving Financial Planning / Fee-Advisory industry by providing standards of excellence and a process that complies with the principles of Fiduciary Responsibility.

Our firm has focused on these issues and developed the defining qualities that can bring life insurance and annuity planning into the same fiduciary environment, with policy design and implementation, that fee-advisory firms have established with equity asset management. Our Life Analyzer is a proprietary software system that can reverse engineer and "scrub" policy illustrations, allowing for a transparent analysis of cost and capital efficiencies.

There is an old adage that says “You get what you pay for”. Well, in our experience over the last 15 plus years of doing insurance policy and risk analysis, the statistics are that 87% of in-force policies were problematic. In these cases, the client needed a risk management plan. Instead, they paid the MAXIMUM amount of compensation for the product and received MINIMUM amount of risk management planning. They did NOT get what they paid for.

If we can be of service to you or should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.