Menu of Consultative Services

Preliminary Case Discussion:

Availability to discuss, via email or conference call, any Insurance or Risk Management issues that a client of the Advisor may have; To provide a brief overview during such discussion of issues that may need to be addressed, as well as Red Flag Issues that may place the client in harms way.

Services provided through our Annual Consultative Retainer Agreement:

Existing Policies; Analysis Report:

Analysis will involve an in-depth analytical report of an existing life, annuity, or other insurance policies (excluding Property & Casualty and Health Insurance).

  • Said analysis will relate to the style, structure, status, cost and capital efficiencies, and appropriateness of said policies; to be congruent with the stated risk that is to be identified by advisor;
  • Analysis may include comparables in regard to identical or alternative policy styles;
  • To submit commentary with regard to any issues that may be problematic (with substantiation), as well as related matters that may need counsel, such as adverse tax impact, etc.;

Proposals; Analysis Report:

Analysis will involve an in-depth analytical report of a proposed life, annuity, and other insurance policies (excluding Property & Casualty and Health Insurance).

  • To submit commentary with regard to any suggested strategies and associated funding policy that may be problematic, as well as related matters that may need counsel, such as adverse tax impact, etc. Such strategies may include LIRP, Premium Financing, Split-Dollar, Private Split Dollar, Reverse Split Dollar, Business Continuation, Key Person, Non-Qualified Plans, etc.;
  • Said analysis will relate to the style, structure, status, cost and capital efficiencies, and appropriateness of said policies; to be congruent with the stated risk that is to be identified by the client and/or advisor;
  • Analysis may include comparables in regard to identical or alternative policy styles;

Risk Management Analysis and Design Recommendation Project Report:

This report takes a "30,000 foot view" of the client's total financial and non-financial positions and objectives. Once the Risk Issues and time-line integration parameters have been identified through our Risk Management Ethos process, the Design Recommendation addresses the creation and suggestions of alternative solutions to resolve the stated risk issues for efficient and effective Risk Management. This may include the use of insurance or non-insurance techniques and strategies. Analysis may involve personal, estate, and business Risk Management issues, providing recommendations for resolve.

  • To have certain insurance policies, and/or proposals in advisor clients' possession analyzed as to the style, structure, status, efficiencies, and appropriateness of said proposals, to support that they are congruent with the risk that is to be managed, including policy positioning (ownership, beneficiary, etc.);
  • To have proposals developed and/or suggestions made as to the various styles of policies that could be obtained to more efficiently satisfy the needs and Risk Management objectives as stated by the client and/or the client's advisors;
  • To focus recommendations with the objective of making maximum use of the current insurance portfolio, or support of any recommendations for adjustment or replacement based on fiduciary construct;
  • To design various concepts and/or strategies that are available which could more efficiently satisfy the needs and objectives as stated by the client and/or the clients' advisors in regard to such Risk Management issues;

Implementation Agreement:

After a report has been submitted for review and discussion, the client may take no action at all, decide to move ahead with one or more of the suggested strategies using a third party, or the client may retain Comprehensive Analytics, Inc, under separate agreement. If implementation services are selected by the advisor/client, Comprehensive Analytics, Inc. will assist in coordinating the activity decided upon, including the taking of insurance application(s), oversee the underwriting process through to the delivery of policy(ies) applied for, provide a Policy Strategy Statement once the policy is issued, and provide a methodology of monitoring such policy(ies). If said policy is an Advisor Designed no-commission policy, these services may be provided through a fee-engagement relationship.


Comprehensive Analytics, Inc. discloses that, in making insurance policy recommendations, it will analyze, with comparative cost and capital efficiencies. the various policy styles and the functionality of such policy styles, without regard to preference or bias as to carrier, or as to method of compensation (fee or commission).

Please feel free to Contact Us or call (586) 745-7037 for discussion.