Life 180 ®


LIFE 180°® overlays your practice to provide value-added services and protection for you and your clients. It also provides differentiation, referrals and new sources of revenue.

The LIFE 180°® environment is a benefit available through Membership with the Fee Advisors Network.

Our industry is in a state of significant change. Regulatory oversight is tightening and the mandate for fiduciary responsibility can no longer be ignored. Influence from key organizations, government, and the global economic crisis will have lasting impact on us individually and upon our firms in the following ways:

  1. The Financial Planning Association is deeply concerned with the lack of fiduciary responsibility.
  2. Certified Financial Planners must comply with new Code of Ethics fiduciary language.
  3. Government regulators are addressing fiduciary compliance.
  4. The Global Economic Crisis has challenged the ‘Assets Under Management’ practice model.

Existing problems with life and annuity products have been exposed and targeted for correction:

  1. Unmanageable Risk
  2. Fiduciary Malfeasance
  3. Product Failures
  4. Company Instability & Downgrades

Question: Can you employ a fiduciary process when there may be a lack of expertise, understanding, staff, resources, methodology, and/or tools to meet fiduciary standards and client expectations?

Finally, there is a comprehensive solution: LIFE 180°®!

LIFE 180°® represents a major change – a 180° turn in the risk management component of financial planning.

LIFE 180°® is the result of a joint-venture between Comprehensive Analytics, Inc., Subject Matter Experts and the Fee Advisors Network. It was developed after years of research and providing fiduciary consultation and insurance analytical work to Independent RIA’s, Wealth Management firms, and Fee-Only Advisors. This universe incorporates a new environment of risk management analysis in life insurance and annuities, including: policy style, premium design, strategy integration, full disclosure, facilitation and monitoring.

Fiduciary ethics demand an unbiased “clean room” environment that is client centered! This is what motivated us to invest significant time and resources into the development of proprietary analytical tools, processes, methodology, and expertise. We took on this challenge to create 'Fiduciary Excellence' in the area of risk management.

LIFE 180°® offers:

  1. Fiduciary Processes to differentiate your firm from among your competitors.
  2. Access to deep skill sets and unique strategies.
  3. Methods, guidance, and coaching to cultivate and capture increasing market share.
  4. Proprietary Analytical Tools to provide Best-in-Class service to your clients.
  5. Systems that develop new sources of revenue and cash flow.

How to access LIFE 180°®:

LIFE 180°® is a benefit available through Membership with the Fee Advisors Network. Every practice model is different, therefore we designed LIFE 180°® to be customizable for your practice.

The Fee Advisors Network offers three levels of membership. As your clientele and firm grow, we provide increasing levels of value-added support. You have the option at any time to upgrade to a higher level of member services.

Understanding that change in fiduciary ethics is upon us, I invite you to review this offering and reflect on “Opportunity Cost” vs. “Opportunity Lost”. Then, we can discuss the Fee Advisor Network membership level that would be most effective for you or your firm.

To request additional information or to schedule a conference call to discuss the level that would be most effective for you or your firm, please call (586) 745-7037, or send an e-mail through our Contact Us link.