
Joseph W. Maczuga, CFIS
Joseph Maczuga is President of Comprehensive Analytics, Inc. (a fee-engagement consulting practice).Entering the insurance and securities industry in 1973, he was consistently recognized as a top producer by numerous companies. Since 1983, Joseph Maczuga has analyzed and designed comprehensive risk management planning solutions with strategy recommendations that may include no-load or commission life insurance, as well as non-insurance concepts. He became licensed as a Life Insurance Counselor in 1988 and is a Certified Fee insurance Specialist.
Embracing the necessity for change and improvement within the insurance industry, Joseph Maczuga is a founding member of the FPA/Don Trone Task Force for creating the Best Practice Standards for Life Insurance Stewards and participated in the introduction of such Standards at West Point Academy in April 2013.
Mr. Maczuga has authored on-line CE insurance courses and is a Nationally Registered Instructor for CPE, ChFC, CLU, and CFP Continuing Education Credits; has served as an advisor to an international financial conglomerate for product development; and serves as an expert witness in insurance related litigation issues.
Various independent broker/dealers and advisory firms utilize his consulting and analytical services when they are searching for unbiased input based on Stewardship Principles with a Fiduciary Process. The risk issues involved include the areas of Corporate and Business Planning, Executive Enhancement Benefits, Estate Planning, Tax Advantaged Engineering, Retirement, and Asset Protection Strategies.
Throughout his tenure as Executive Director of the Fee Advisors Network, Joseph Maczuga has developed numerous training seminars and educational materials for financial advisors, while providing a resource of expertise to the independent advisor community.
Mounting concerns about the fiduciary environment, stewardship principles, and client-centered focus has expedited Joseph Maczuga’s position as being at the forefront of this growing need; Putting him on the cutting edge of Best Standards, process development, and design of analytical tools that are integrated and required to be employed before any recommendation is addressed.
Additional Highlights>
- Joseph Maczuga is the developer of the Life Analyzer©, a proprietary software system that can reverse engineer policy illustrations to analyze the probabilities of success of the proposed product. Texas Tech University had requested and has been granted an Educational License Agreement to use the Life Analyzer© for integration into their premier CFP Board Certified financial planning curriculum.
- Bob Veres had authored the featured lead story in Financial Planning Magazine entitled “New Life for Life Insurance,” wherein he singled out Joseph Maczuga as the foremost authority on the education of risk management and fiduciary process, product design for client-centric advantage, and developing strategies for the expanding fee-advisor community.
- Creation of LIFE 180°® > A fiduciary compliant analytical and design process for Advisors and Trustees that are concerned about their fiduciary exposure in risk management (i.e. – life insurance, annuities, etc.). LIFE 180°® establishes an unbiased “Clean Room” environment that allows for unbiased policy analysis and recommendations, along with implementation and oversight guidelines consistent with the Best Practices Standard.
- Fox Radio Business Network, hosted by Wayne Firebaugh, CFP, has invited Mr. Joseph Maczuga to be his guest for numerous interviews.