
Existing Universe / Insurance Industry Fact Sheet

Consider: Proposals and presentations have a lack of transparency, coupled with the omission of important policy cost data and contract language that often has a negative impact on the success of the plan.

Are you comfortable with this?

Consider: Often, there are similar policies that have less or no commission, and are more suited to your specific objectives, but are not presented for your consideration.

Are you comfortable with this?

Consider: Agents have sales quotas to meet in order to get commission bonuses or qualify for trips, which may influence their proposals.

Are you comfortable with this?

Consider: Has your agent ever explained the difference between premiums and costs?

If not, are you comfortable with this?

Consider: Have you ever seen a no-load (non-commission) policy presentation?

If not, are you comfortable with this?

If you ARE uncomfortable with the above considerations:
Would you prefer to have exposure to a different Universe?

If so, contact us directly at (586) 745-7037